Spider-Man's powers and equipment

Spider-Man's powers, abilities, and equipment are used by Marvel Comics superhero Spider-Man in tandem to combat his many foes. He receives most of his powers when he is bitten by a radioactive common house spider (Amazing Fantasy #15). He uses his technical skill to develop equipment and weapons to complement his powers, and wears a number of costumes, many of which have special properties.


Original abilities

When Peter Parker was bitten by a lethally irradiated spider, radioactive mutagenic enzymes in the spider's venom quickly caused numerous body-wide changes. Immediately after the bite, he was granted his original powers: primarily superhuman strength, reflexes, and equilibrium; the ability to cling tenaciously to most surfaces; and a subconscious precognitive sense of danger, which he called a "spider-sense."

Several biologists on the History Channel’s Spider-Man Tech stated the effect of a radioactive spider bite (if any) would not be nearly enough to cause a mutation in a human body. However, they said the use of "genetically engineered" spiders from the live-action movie and the Ultimate continuity was more plausible. Instead of radioactive venom, the bite would have to carry a powerful retro virus (similar to HIV) that would spread through the body by taking over neighboring cells and actually becoming ingrained in the person’s DNA. They illustrated this by showing the results of an experiment where glow genes from deep sea Jelly fish were introduced into the embryos of lab mice. The resulting mice were born with the glow gene as a part of their own DNA and glowed light green whenever an ultraviolet light was shone on them.[1][2]

Generally enhanced physiology

Spider-Man's overall metabolic efficiency has been greatly increased, and the composition of his skeleton, connective tissues, muscles, and nervous system have all been enhanced. Originally, Peter Parker wore glasses, but after the spider bite, his vision became 20/20, allowing him to see perfectly after his spectacles were broken by Flash Thompson. Spider-Man is capable of healing injuries faster and more extensively than ordinary humans, though it is considerably inferior to the healing abilities of individuals such as Wolverine or The Hulk. However, Spider-Man is capable of healing from injuries as severe as broken bones within a matter of hours. During a battle with a villain called the Masked Marauder, Spider-Man is rendered completely blind. However, during a visit to an eye specialist, it is revealed that Spider-Man is already healing only after mere hours of being blasted. After about 2 days, Spider-Man's eyesight has recovered to perfection and his 20/20 vision is restored, although his eyes are sensitive for about a day after, shown when Carrion flashed a bright light in his face. Afterwards, his eyes are totally healed.

Following the events of "The Other", Spider-Man temporarily had some of his abilities increased, including his healing. During "Civil War," (months after the events of "The Other") he is ambushed by the Rhino and is injured. However, he heals completely by the end of the issue without medical attention and mentions to Aunt May that he knew he had "always been a fast healer, but lately it seems even more so." Also during "Civil War", Spider-Man is heavily beaten and drugged, suffering multiple fractures and blood loss by the Jack O' Lantern but his injuries heal almost completely by the next issue. However, like many superhuman powers, the effectiveness of Spider-Man's abilities varies based on the author and the needs of the story.

His accelerated metabolism increases his tolerance to drugs, meaning a larger dose is needed to cause the usual effect, and he can recover from the effects rapidly. During an encounter with the bee-based villain Swarm, Spider-Man is incapacitated by thousands of bee stings, but fully recovers in less than 24 hours. His resistance to other toxins varies, but is typically significantly higher than normal. However, Spider-Man has normal human tolerance to the effects of alcoholic beverages and is rarely shown drinking, since it affects his balance, reflexes and coordination. In one battle with the Hobgoblin,[3] he nearly loses his life after unknowingly consuming spiked punch at a party. Although he is still affected by disease and infection, his recovery time is typically shorter than that of an ordinary human. Spider-Man's unique physiology even allows him to recover from the effects of vampirism.[4]

Spider-Man is still vulnerable to disease, and has fallen ill due to flu many times,[5] which affects the reliability of his powers. He also has a certain susceptibility towards ethyl chloride, which is a commonly used pesticide against insects and arachnids. This chemical is used frequently as a weapon in Spider-Slayer robots.

Possible mystical connection

Ezekiel, who shares similar spider abilities (gained through an arcane ritual), makes Peter question the source of his powers, implying a mystical reason the spider chose to bite him, suggesting that the spider would have given him powers even without being exposed to radiation (Although Peter has noted that the radiation did slightly change the mutative effects that the spider had on his system). Though this was never proven, Spider-Man has been tied to mystical forces before such as when he was mentioned in an ancient prophecy in connection to the sorcerer Dr. Strange and when the cosmic beings Lord Order and Master Chaos claimed credit for Peter Parker being the one bitten by the spider. Magical forces could also explain how Spider-Man is able to psychically detect threats such as whether or not a person has a gun or if he is being followed. However, after Ezekial's death, Peter has chosen not to pursue this line of thought any further, noting that science and magic can be essentially two sides of the same coin, and reasoning that his scientific background has helped him for so long that there is no reason for him to shift focus.


Spider-Man is capable of crawling on walls and ceilings. He has conscious control over this ability, and it is simple and instinctive for him to use—he first uses it in Amazing Fantasy #15 before realizing he has the ability. Originally, Spider-Man is able to stick to surfaces using his hands and feet,[6] but later he is shown to be able to cling with his back.[7] The strength of attraction between himself and the surface he is clinging to is considerable, with an upper limit of several tons per finger. If Spider-Man does not willingly detach, but is pulled off by force, the surface usually breaks still attached to his body. However, it has been shown that a significant shock can cause him to lose control of his power and fall off a surface. If a surface is too slippery, he has problems sticking to it; if it is too fragile or crumbling, it is unable to support his weight. He can also use his clinging ability to lift or hold objects; for instance, he can catch a thrown ball simply by touching it with one fingertip. Spider-Man is also able to jump against the walls and he can also sprint against a wall which helps him climb surfaces a lot faster.

The ability works through thin layers of cloth, such as the fabric of his costume, but not through materials such as the soles of shoes. When Peter Parker needs to crawl without changing into the costume, he removes his shoes first.[8]

Spider-Man's wall-crawling ability has increased with time, most notably a back up in Amazing Spider-Man #365 by Tom DeFalco. There DeFalco had Peter explain his abilities to Mary Jane and Peter revealed that every part of his body has gained or increased in attraction to other surfaces, and he can stick people or objects on his back. Over time he realized he could keep his mask firmly fixed to his face (previously used to prevent undesirable mask removal), protecting his secret identity.[9]

Kaine, the villainous clone of Spider-Man, has shown the ability to use his wall-crawling abilities in a more offensive manner, burning distinctive scars, known as the Mark of Kaine in the face of his victims. Later Spider-Man himself uses a variation of the same ability to escape from The Green Goblin by making his fingertips cling to his face and tearing them away, digging five deep wounds in Norman's face. Despite the obvious offensive potential of such an ability, Peter claims that it is unlikely he will use it again, as it was a move born out of anger and desperation.[10] In later events during the Grim Hunt arc, due to Peter's rage at Sasha Kravinoff over everything she put him and his 'spider family' through, he uses his version of the Mark of Kaine on her, ripping the skin off her face in the shape of a hand print, proclaiming "This is from my brother."[11]

Spider-Man's wall crawling abilities have been explained in several ways. Some notable explanations include:

Enemies able to cancel wall-crawling ability

Enhanced Strength & Endurance

Early in his career, Spider-Man was frequently said to have the proportional strength of a spider, but he can lift much more due to his human size, up to 10 tons. Since the events of "The Other" and "The Queen" story arcs, his strength has been increased to twice his original limits. During the Secret Invasion, Spider-Man was shown to be able to knock a Tyranosaurus Rex unconscious in one punch. He has been shown to lift and throw objects such as a semi truck and to bend the steel of a screwdriver with one finger with ease.[13] When in combat, Spider-Man must pull his punches unless fighting someone of similar or greater durability and power. Otherwise, his blows would kill a normal person.[14]

Spider-Man's bodily tissue is a great deal more durable and resistant to some types of injury than a normal human. However, Spider-Man is far from invulnerable. While his body is tougher than an ordinary human, as seen several times in Spider-Man 2 (via falling from average web slinging height without sustaining significant injury), he can still be injured in ways comparable to an ordinary human. For example, Spider-Man can be injured by bullets or knives composed of conventional material and from impacts of sufficient force. However, if injured, his accelerated metabolism is capable of repairing itself many times faster than an ordinary human. A doctor has told Spider-Man that it would be impossible for a normal man to survive the punishment that he has endured.[15]

Spider-Man can leap several stories vertically or the width of a city street.[16] While his running speed has never been definitely established, he can run at superhuman speed for short sprints and has been shown to be easily capable of overtaking fast-moving cars, but nearly always prefers using his weblines to travel.[17]

Superhuman reflexes and agility

Spider-Man's agility and reflexes are far superior to those of an ordinary human, even those that represent the peak of human conditioning such as Captain America. The speed of his reflexes combined with his spider-sense allows him to dodge almost any attack, even gunfire at point blank.[18] Due to the events of "The Other," his reflexes are increased further, responding directly to his spider-sense and instinct that can result in him lashing out at negligible threats.[19] During the "Grim Hunt" storyline, he was able to dodge a bullet fired from a hunting rifle at point blank range. Aloysha Kravinoff noted that even Spider-Man wasn't "supposed to be that fast," and the story implies that Spider-Man's exceptional speed in that situation was a result of the intense grief and rage he was feeling at the time.[20]

Spider-Man has the ability to maintain his equilibrium on any surface that he can stick to. For example, he can balance on one finger on a high wire,[21] or stand upright on a wall, his body parallel to the ground. Additionally, he is able to flex his body like a contortionist, assuming postures that would be impossible or harmful for most normal humans. His tendons and connective tissues are at least twice as elastic as the average human being's. This ability is often demonstrated by the unusual poses Spider-Man would assume while webslinging or dodging enemy attacks. Also, as an outcome of his spider-reflexes, Peter has developed his own fighting style.


Spider-Man's "spider-sense" manifests in a tingling feeling at the base of his skull, alerting him to personal danger in proportion to the severity of that danger. It appears to be a simultaneous, seemingly clairvoyant response to a wide variety of phenomena. Though the exact mechanism of this ability is unknown, his original spider-sense clearly has at least two aspects in addition to sensing potential or immediate danger:

Using his spider-sense to time his enhanced reflexes, Spider-Man can casually dodge attacks up to and including automatic-weapons fire. Even point blank, his spider-sense has already warned him in enough time to get away like a precognitive sense, before he can even consciously think about his actions. However, he can ignore this instinct. His spider-sense is sufficiently well-linked to his reflexes, even before "The Other" storyline, that a threat can trigger them even when Spider-Man is asleep or stunned, as in Amazing Spider-Man #141, where a narcotic gas released by foe Mysterio caused him to lose his balance and fall from a building. Though barely conscious, a combination of spider-sense and reflex caused his arm to seize a fire-escape ladder, saving his life.

When Spider-Man swings across a city on his weblines, his spider-sense guides his aim, allowing him to travel at high speeds hundreds of feet above street level with minimal concentration, confident his weblines will find secure anchor points.

Spider-Man's spider-sense is directional and can guide him to or away from hidden weapons and disguised enemies. Sudden and extreme threats (such as the Beyonder observing Earth before the first Secret Wars, Thanos using the Infinity Gauntlet to destroy half of the sapient population of the universe, the Ultimate version of Venom, or the predatory Morlun) can cause his spider-sense to react with painful intensity.

Spider-Man can also sense and dodge attacks directed randomly or by a computer. His spider-sense has helped him preserve his secret identity since it alerts him to observers or cameras when changing into or out of his costume. The spider-sense does not react to those whom Peter does not consider a threat, such as Aunt May. Contrary to this, his spider-sense has warned him of people close to him when he does not wish to be seen, such as when he's partly in costume.

Spider-Man can choose to ignore his spider-sense, and distraction or fatigue can force unawareness.

Spider-Man has used his spider-sense to battle even the most skilled fighters in the Marvel Universe. While not being as trained as them in conventional fighting styles his spider-sense and reflexes (provided with split second quickness and agility) allow him to dodge and counter, often with ease.

After the "Disassembled" and "The Other" storylines, Spider-Man gains the ability to feel vibrations and currents in the air or in his web lines, much like a real spider. He also develops a psychic connection to insects, spiders, and other arthropods, though this aspect of his powers may no longer be present (see below). The spider-sense also allows Spidey to determine the source of the incoming attack, which gives him an advantage against enemies who are all over the place like Spot.

As a result of the storyline "Revenge of the Spider-Slayer", Spider-Man loses his spider-sense when he sets off a device that disabled Spencer Smythe's latest creations' ability to coordinate their attacks via a similar principle.[23] As such, he starts taking Kung-Fu lessons from Shang-Chi, on Madame Web's advice. When his full powers are restored in the Spider-Island storyline, his battle-honed body granted him a new, refined form of Spider-Sense, where Spider-Man instead of blindly react to threats automatically draws upon Shang-Chi's training.[24]

Enemies immune to the spider-sense

When deprived of his spider-sense, Spider-Man becomes vulnerable to surveillance and attack and traveling by web-line requires most of his concentration.

In Secret Wars issue #8, Spider-Man first comes in contact with the symbiote. His spider-sense goes off but is quickly dampened as the symbiote flowed over Spider-Man's body and established the mental link that allowed it to generate webbing and respond to Spider-Man's thoughts. However, a clone of Spider-Man, Ben Reilly was able to use his spider-sense to anticipate the attacks of Venom. This may be related to the fact that the clone was created prior to Peter's bond with the symbiote. This suggests that it is Peter's spider-sense that no longer responds to the symbiote due to acclimatization, rather than the symbiote having developed the ability to hide itself. This explanation would be the official reason Spider-Man could not sense Venom in The Spectacular Spider-Man animated series.


In the Spider-Man films, the spider-sense is explained as reflexes "so fast it borders on precognition", often signified with a special sound (like a bell ringing once very slowly) and bullet time photography. In the first Spider-Man film, the first time his spider-sense triggers, he seems to become aware of every potential danger in his surroundings, even those that pose no real threat, such as a fly or a paper spitball. In the Spider-Man 2 novelization (ISBN 2-265-07939-1), the spider-sense is described as a general slowing-down of his perception of time (e.g. one second would feel like a minute). In Spider-Man 3, the spider-sense is never shown going off in Spider-Man's head with its special sound like in the previous two movies. In a minor plot hole, when New Goblin first attacks Peter, it is clear Peter was unaware of the threat (however, this could also be due to Peter's 'Spider sense' not considering Harry a threat due to their friendship). Peter is shown using the spider-sense only once in the film, to dodge a pumpkin bomb thrown at him by Harry. Also, Eddie Brock as Venom (who is immune to the spider-sense) manages to attack Spider-Man by surprise, mocking Peter's inability to sense him with "Ooh, my spider-sense is tingling, if you know what I'm talking about."

Fighting style

Spider-Man has developed a unique fighting style that is nearly impossible for most other heroes to emulate or for most villains to defeat. Spider-Man uses all of his powers simultaneously to overpower and overwhelm his foes. He also makes excellent use of his surroundings during battles. For example, using a webbed-up fire extinguisher as a projectile in order to get distance between himself and Doctor Octopus' crushing arms. He is also never without a witty response or wise-crack to throw at an enemy in order to distract, anger, or simply insult a foe. Spider-Man's fighting style can best be described as an improvisational freestyle that functionally encompasses the usage of his strength, speed, flexibility, wits, intelligence, and his "spider-sense", in order to work his strengths against his opponents' weaknesses. Spider-Man is a cunning fighter, so much so that he manages to defeat enemies much more powerful than himself. A major examples of this is his defeat of Titania during the Secret Wars, outpacing her superior strength by focusing on hit-and-run attacks to catch her off-guard. Another is his victory over Galactus' cosmic-powered herald, Firelord. Yet another good example is how he once fought the combined efforts of DC's supervillain Mantis and the Marvel villain Juggernaut (both of whom are significantly more powerful than he is). This stems from the vast experience that he has accrued since his teen-aged crime-fighting years. During the events of "The Other," Peter is shown as receiving martial arts training from Captain America. As per Madame Web's instructions, Shang-Chi is now teaching Kung-Fu to Spider-Man in order to compensate for the loss of his Spider-Sense. Together with Shang-Chi he devised a unique variant of Kung Fu, "The Way of The Spider", which has significantly improved after his spider-sense was reactivated.

Scientific knowledge

Before the radioactive spider bite, Peter Parker was already a gifted academic student with considerable expertise in many fields, such as chemistry, biology, physics, engineering, and advanced technology. Through these skills he was able to create his artificial web fluid, his web-shooters and other Spider-man equipment. His scientific knowledge has often been used to defeat his adversaries when his powers are not sufficient enough, such as devising an antidote to the formula that originally turned Doctor Connors into the Lizard, creating various mixtures to dissolve the costumes of foes such as the Rhino and El Dorado. Though not described as an ultra-high level super-genius, his intellect has impressed and gained the respect of individuals such as Iron Man, Ant Man and Mr. Fantastic. During a recent confrontation with Doctor Octopus, who had used various cybernetic enhancements to enable his mind to take virtually complete control of New York, Spider-Man's mind proved powerful enough to take control away from his enemy despite Doctor Octopus's scepticism that his mind could be strong enough to accomplish such a feat.[33] Currently, Peter makes full use of his intellect at Horizon Labs, by reverse-engineering the devices he uses as Spider-Man, thereby creating products that Horizon Labs can market to the public.

Further mutations

On several occasions, Spider-Man takes on more spider-like forms—at the extreme even transforming into a gigantic spider.

When Peter tried to rid himself of his spider powers by using a formula,[34] it backfires: he grows four extra arms instead, which extend from his sides. With help from Dr. Curt Connors, and a blood sample from Morbius, he is able to return to normal.

At one point,[35] he is transformed by the Savage Land Mutates into a monstrous, predatory form that comes to be called "Man-Spider". In this form, his normal human consciousness is submerged, and he attacks like an animal. However, his conscience is able, barely, to stop him from killing. He is transformed into Man-Spider several other times.

In Spider-Man: The Animated Series, the "Six Arms Saga" was reinvented as the "Neogenic Nightmare", where the transformation was not caused by Peter's attempts to remove his powers, but as a result of his body mutating further from the original spider-bite. After his attempts to ask Professor X and the X-Men for help developing a cure meet with failure- although he was able to assist them in thwarting a monster created when an anti-mutant scientist was exposed to a serum he'd developed to remove mutant abilities-, Spider-Man turned to Doctor Crawford for aid. Unfortunately, his initial attempt at a cure resulted in him growing the four new arms, the accelerated mutation subsequently causing him to mutate into the Man-Spider after fighting Punisher, a recently mutated Michael Morbius, and the NYPD. Thanks to the collaboration of Kraven the Hunter and the Punisher, Spider-Man was cured of the mutation and returned to normal. When the Vulture attempted to drain Spider-Man's youth and power in a later encounter, Doctor Connors reprogrammed the device that the Vulture was using to absorb the defective genome that had caused the mutation originally, resulting in the Vulture mutating into a Man-Spider (though Vulture managed to get rid of the mutation somehow) and forever curing Spider-Man of the defective genome. During the concluding "Spider Wars" storyline of the series- where Spider-Man teamed up with multiple alternate versions of himself to save reality-, one of his other selves was still dealing with the mutation crisis, completely transforming into the Man-Spider during the mission before the Beyonder was able to use the last of his power to teleport Man-Spider back to his home dimension.

In the Avengers Disassembled crossover event, Spider-Man encounters an enemy called the Queen, a woman capable of controlling insects. She triggers another transformation in him: first, he grows extra eyes and hair covering his body; second, he changes into a Man-Spider-like form (however, with his human mind still intact); and finally he transforms into a giant spider. In that form, he seems to die, but instead emerges in human form, but with enhanced powers. (See below.)

Other transformations included the vicious Spider-Lizard which occurred when Spider-Man tried to cure Dr. Connors from the Lizard persona by using a portable Enervator. The machine made Peter absorb radioactive feedback and transferred the reptilian metamorphosis to him and granting him bulletproof skin, a powerful tail and reptilian fangs and claws. There was also the Spider-Hulk mutation which granted the web-slinger the powers and the easy temper of the green goliath by transferring energy from the Hulk (which was kept in a Bio-Kinetic Energy Absorber made from a scientist trying to steal the Hulk's powers) to the web-slinger, when the latter accidentally touched the device.

In the What If: The Other, an alternate variation of the The Other storyline, Peter rejects the Spider and kills it, leaving him in a comatose state. The Venom symbiote abandons its current host, Mac Gargan, and bonds with Peter to become Poison, who combines the powers of Venom and Spider-Man's enhanced powers.

Peter was not the only one who suffered transferred mutations while wearing the Spider-Man costume. Ben Reilly was transformed into the Spider-Carnage when he was up against the powerful entity, because he had to bind with the alien in order to prevent its rampage.

Powers after "Disassembled" and "The Other"

In addition to his original powers, Spider-Man gains the following abilities after he fights the Queen in "Disassembled",[36] and also after apparently dying at the hands of Morlun and being reborn ("Spider-Man: The Other," 2005). It is apparent that his powers gained from "The Other" are only available because a voice inside him says that he is "embracing the Other". However, some of these powers no longer seem to be present, for reasons that have yet to be revealed.

Joe Queseda implied that the loss of these extra powers may be related to the One More Day storying. In an interview, he stated that "While we won't be making any direct references to "The Other," it's still a part of Spidey history, and it remains to be seen how Pete lost those powers."[37] However, in the letters page of Amazing Spider-Man #640, the editors stated that the powers were always temporary by nature: "Those Other powers really only exhibited themselves under certain circumstances. They weren't extra powers Peter could call up whenever he wanted, so whether or not they've disappeared for good is a story waiting to be told. That said, though, Peter still does remember the adventure where he got them. He hasn't forgotten."[38]

Arthropod communication

After Disassembled, Spider-Man can mentally communicate with arthropods (at least insects and spiders), though he does not seem to be capable of controlling them like Ant-Man. He can sense their presence, or glance at any spider and instantly know what kind it is.[39] It is possible that this is an extension of his spider-sense. Spider-Man used this mental capacity to communicate with all of the Queen's followers, humans with an "insect gene," and learned how to deactivate a bomb.[40] This power may no longer be present, since Spider-Man has not been shown using it for several years.

Biological webbing

In "Disassembled," Spider-Man develops the ability to shoot organic webbing from his wrists (after he recovered from being changed into a spider), and he stopped using his Web-shooters which was a great advantage for him because it allowed him to stop being dependent on web cartridges which allowed him limited shots. Once, while fighting Iron Man, Spider-Man supposedly "let loose", allowing his webbing to shoot out unrestrained. After he had stopped, he had generated enough webbing to completely encase Iron Man, and nearly fill the alley in which they were fighting with webbing. Since the start of the Brand New Day storyline, this power seems to have gone away, for reasons that are currently unknown.

Spider-Man's clone Kaine developed the ability to shoot organic webbing following his death and resurrection in Grim Hunt.[11] This ability remained present even after the other mutations caused by his resurrection were reversed.[41]

Night vision

After "The Other," Spider-Man develops night vision, allowing him to see in the dark.[7] It would appear that this power is no longer present, since there have been several occasions since "The Other" where Spider-Man was unable to see in the dark.

Eyes, teeth, and stingers

Overcome by rage in "The Other," Spider-Man's spider side overruled his human qualities. His eyes turn glowing red, and he develops fanged teeth, night vision, and sharp stingers.[42] The stingers were within his arms, protruding from his wrists. They are coated in a venom that inflicts temporary paralysis though the impalement itself could prove fatal. Spider-Man cannot consciously control these stingers yet, so they are only triggered in overwhelming situations. Because they have not been seen in several years, it may be that Spider-Man no longer has these powers, though it may also be that the right circumstances haven't arisen for him to use them: Arrow claimed that the stingers will only come out when he is confronting or confronted by creatures who are associated with his mystical powers like Morlun or Ezekiel.[43]

Spider-Man's clone Kaine appears to have undergone a similar transformation following his death and resurrection in Grim Hunt, as he has fangs, mandibles, and eight glowing red eyes.[11] He was later restored to normal, though at the conclusion of Spider-Island he grew a pair of stingers from his wrists identical to the ones Spider-Man had during "The Other." [24]

Spider-mutation and cocoon

During "Disassembled," Spider-Man mutates into a giant spider, and then emerges from the spider's body with a new ability to communicate with arthropods and organic webbing.

In "The Other", Spider-Man seemingly dies and molts his damaged skin. He creates a cocoon, and emerges with all his bodily damage healed: lost teeth, broken bones, his lost eye (which Morlun had torn out and eaten), scars, and even lost tonsils. In the words of Tony Stark, Peter's "odometer's been reset". Since it was claimed in related issues that some species of spiders shed their skin once in a lifetime, this may be a one-time occurrence.[44]

In "Grim Hunt," Spider-Man's clone Kaine dies, only to return later under similar circumstances.[11]

Powers after "Brand New Day"

Psychic blindspot

Although not technically Spider-Man's power, the worldwide mindwipe of Spider-Man's identity as Peter Parker occurred sometime prior to the events of Brand New Day. Spider-Man is aware that the whole world has forgotten his secret identity[45] and that he played a role in making it happen.

When Norman Osborn confronts Peter in his apartment, as part of the New Ways To Die story-arc, Peter thinks to himself, "Ah, right. He doesn't remember anymore. He has no idea I'm Spidey. Nobody does. Everything we did is still up and running. I'm safe.[46]" Peter later describes it to Mister Fantastic as a "psychic blindspot." When confronted with any evidence which could lead to the realization that Spider-Man is Peter Parker, those affected will be unable to 'connect the dots,' or they will come to the wrong conclusion, but will accept it as the right one. An example of this is shown in the comics when Norman Osborn discovers a camera at a fight scene that is taking pictures of Spider-Man based on a tracking device in his suit; rather than assuming that Peter Parker is Spider-Man taking pictures of himself, he assumes that Spider-Man takes the pictures and uses Peter as his 'agent' to collect the money for him.[47] Another example is when Horizon Labs' Max Modell confronts Peter about his connection to Spider-Man, and comes to the conclusion that Peter had created all of Spider-Man's equipment, as he stated that having both the scientific knowledge and super-powers in the same person pushes the limits of believability.[23]

If Spider-Man were to be unmasked - or were to unmask himself - then the memories of affected people witnessing the incident would be restored. Mister Fantastic claims he can duplicate the "firewalls" for himself and the Fantastic Four, allowing Spider-Man to tell them his identity, without fear of further compromising his secret.[48] The psychic blindspot power's magnitude is high enough to fool even Daredevil's senses,[49] who can normally identify people with the sound of their individual heartbeat rhythm or the scent of body odors. In Amazing Spider-Man #600, Daredevil refused to know again Spider-Man's identity, as the psychic blindspot power was enough to even fool his heightened senses, and thus he did not want to compromise that protection. The Black Cat, having learnt Mary Jane's ex-boyfriend was Spider-Man, was able to recall back when she was dating Flash Thompson that Mary Jane had a boyfriend at the time, but when prompted with the name "Peter?", she dismissed it immediately due to the mechanics of the blindspot.[50]

It was hinted in The Amazing Spider-Man #561 and The Amazing Spider-Man #601 that Mary Jane is aware of Peter's dual identity, which is finally confirmed in #605. It was also shown that Kaine is immune to the psychic blindspot, as Kaine is in fact a clone of Spider-Man.[51] It was revealed in Spider-Island that the Jackal also retains memory of Spider-Man's secret identity, most like due to all the DNA samples he has collected from Spider-Man and the clones he has created from them over the years.[52] Given that Morlun and Steve Rogers were deceased during One More Day, it is unknown if they remember Spider-Man's identity.

It was revealed in Amazing Spider-Man #640 and #641 that Peter went to Doctor Strange and begged him to make the world forget he was Spider-Man.[53] Doctor Strange in turn visited Tony Stark and Reed Richards via astral projection and convinced them to help him do so via a mix of magic and science in a similar fashion to how the world forgot who the Sentry was. The three decided that the sole person with the knowledge of Spider-Man being Peter Parker would be Peter himself, and in Reed's words, have Tony infect the world with the mind-purging virus storm via his Extremis system as the carrier. With a magic barrier in the shape of a sphere, Peter was to go in it, where he would be immune from the mind purge, but Peter decided at the last second to take Mary Jane inside as well.[54] Due to the events of Spider Island where Peter publicly used his powers unmasked- albeit while claiming that he was one of the people infected by the 'virus' that gave most of New York his abilities-,[55] he had unknowingly invalidated the spell that Dr. Strange had set up, thereby making it possible for others to deduce his secret identity again, although his past unmasking has still been erased from the world's memory. This was confirmed as Carlie Cooper breaks off her relationship with him after deducing his true connection to Spider-Man due to her frustration at his lies.[30]


Although he is usually of limited financial means, Spider-Man develops personal equipment that plays an important role in his superhero career.

Artificial web-shooters

Spider-Man's web-shooters were perhaps his most distinguishing trait, after his costume. Peter had reasoned that a spider (even a human one) needed a web. Since the radioactive spider-bite did not initially grant him the power to spin webs, he had instead found a way to produce them artificially. The wrist-mounted devices fire an adhesive "webbing" (see below) through a threaded adjustable nozzle. The trigger rests high in the palm and requires a double tap from the middle two fingers to activate, eliminating the chance of accidental discharge when forming a fist.[56] To accomplish this his hands are often in a distinctive hand position when he fires them (resembling the sign for "I love you" in American Sign Language, reverting someone giving you the "Evil Eye" in Italian superstition or the horned hand heavy-metal gesture). In order to fire the webbing, Spider-Man's fingers must hit the sensor precisely.

Spider-Man must steadily replenish his webbing supply, reloading his web-shooters with small cartridges of web fluid, which is stored under high pressure. In early stories, he carries his extra supplies in a utility belt worn under his costume.[57] Later on, he equips the web-shooters with a bracelet-like carousel that automatically rotates a new cartridge into position as he empties them. When in use, a steel nipple in the carousel pierces the seal of the cartridge, and allows the fluid to travel through an air-tight channel toward the nozzle. Pressing down on the palm-trigger of the web-shooter causes the valve in the nozzle to open wider, expelling the fluid out. Releasing the trigger causes the valves to close, cutting off the web-line or fluid. If Spider-Man creates any variation to his normal web formula that's too strong for the pinch valves to sever, he might end up being tangled up or tied to the object he attached his web to. This has happened on more than one occasion. His web-shooters require constant maintenance and on more than one occasion suffer jams or malfunctions.

Spider-Man's web shooters require tremendous pressure to fire them (in most cases, Spider-Man's enhanced strength), and the average human cannot activate the trigger without the use of a hammer or similar object,[58] although in many cases, normal human strength is sufficient enough to activate them for the purposes of plot development.[59]

Occasionally, the web-shooters are modified to expel other liquids.

After he develops organic webbing, Spider-Man gives the web-shooters to his wife Mary Jane as a Valentine's Day present, after having them changed into bracelets, and weakening the pressure required, so that she can use the bracelets for self-defense.[60] This appears to have reversed at some point, as Spider-Man is once again dependent on his web-shooters since the start of the Brand New Day storyline, for unknown reasons. In the most recent issues, he has upgraded them to fire on voice command.

Ben Reilly, as the Scarlet Spider and later as Spider-Man, uses modified web-shooters that can fire fast-acting sedative "stinger" darts, and "impact webbing," balls of webbing that explode on impact and envelop the target. The impact webbing and stingers are activated by certain wrist movements, rather than using a double-tap on a palm trigger. They use larger web cartridges than Peter's web-shooters and worn on the outside of his costume. Spider-Girl, Peter's alternate future daughter, uses modified versions of Ben's web-shooters.

Scientists from the History Channel's Spider-Man Tech stated that logically, if web fluid were to exist, it would not be possible for Spider-Man to store the necessary propellant and fluid in a small cartridge, as a result organic webbing would be more realistic as far as his webbing use is concerned.

Emma Stone revealed that in the reboot, Peter Parker will be shooting webs from web-shooters instead of organic webbing in the previous films.


Shortly after getting his powers, Peter Parker (established early on as being extremely intelligent and creative) develops a special synthetic polymer adhesive that has spider web-like properties, as well as wrist-worn launching devices (see Web-Shooters). Upon release, the webbing dries into an extremely tough, flexible, adhesive fiber. One account described a single strand as stronger than piano wire and it is perhaps as strong as real spider silk or Kevlar (Spider-Man has used web-shields on several occasions to protect himself from small-caliber bullets). In Spider-Man: The Ultimate Guide, one strand of webbing is described to be strong enough to bind the Hulk and hold him prisoner, but only if the Hulk were to hold still and let the webbing sufficiently dry. Also, according to recent volumes of the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, the tensile strength of the webbing is equivalent to 120 lb (54 kg) per square millimeter in cross-section and is comparable to nylon with extraordinary adhesive properties. Its exact composition is unknown, but after about an hour, the webbing breaks down, loses strength and eventually evaporates,[61] since Spider-Man never intended to hold his captives forever as well as to not leave any traces of web behind for detection/trailing reasons. Furthermore its non-durability never allows potential enemies to gain insight or advantage on one of Spider-Man's most important assets.

Spider-Man can do many things with his webs:

Spider-Man can modify his webbing when anticipating combat with a specific threat. These modifications include non-conductive webbing (typically for battling Electro), flame-retardant webbing (against the Human Torch or out-of-control fires), stronger (yet less stable) webbing for dealing with Stegron's dinosaur army, and even acid webbing that can eat through the Rhino's tough hide.

Organic webs

In the "Disassembled" storyline,[64] Parker undergoes a transformation that results in the ability to produce organic web fluid from his wrists, and is able to fire his webbing in much the same manner as his artificial web-shooters. According to the new 2007 Spider-Man handbook, Parker has grown spinnerets in his forearms that terminate in small pores at the junction of his wrists. By pressing down with his middle fingers to his palm, he causes the pores to open and the spinnerets to eject the organic fluid with a force equal to or greater than that of his web-shooters. The effectiveness and amount of the new webbing is dependent upon his health and nutrition. The specific properties of this new organic webbing are unknown, but it can be safely assumed to be comparable to his artificially created web mixture. In some cases, it has shown to be of greater tensile strength and elasticity. Furthermore, according to the new handbook, the organic webbing takes a week to dissolve. After gaining this ability, he begins using the bio-webbing instead of his traditional mechanical web-shooters. The upper limit as to how much webbing he could produce at any one time has not been specified, though during Part 1 of the 'One More Day' storyline, Peter actually produced enough webbing to immobilize and smother Iron Man's armor. In the subsequent Brand New Day storyline, Peter is shown to have his traditional web-shooters and appears to have lost the ability to create organic webbing, for reasons that have yet to be revealed.

Instead of having mechanical webshooters in the live-action Spider-Man movies, Spider-Man grew spinnerets in his forearms; to give an explanation to the controversy from fans, this was explained by the producers' desire to make Peter Parker more realistic, as it was believed that, if he could create a substance that official government scientists could not create, it would distance himself from the average person. In the first Spider-Man movie, Peter gains them simultaneously with his other powers, and never made use of artificial web-shooters, although the film's novelization states that Peter made similar bracelets to help him aim his shots as his first attempts to web sling ends with him using all sorts of weird hand positions in an attempt to shoot web, missing his mark several times and smacking into a billboard the first time he successfully swung.

One biologist on the History Channel’s Spider-Man Tech suggested that it would be more plausible for Spider-Man to shoot webbing from the Submandibular gland beneath the tongue instead of from his forearms.[1]

Animated Series

In 1994's Spider-Man: The Animated Series, Parker explains that when he became Spider-Man, he also became subconsciously aware that a combination of certain enzymes would create a strong, sticky fluid reminiscent of a spider's webbing. He then built web-shooters as in the comics.


Spider-Man uses small electronic "spider-tracers" of his own design that allow him to track objects or individuals. Typically, Spider-Man plants one on a departing enemy, or throws one to adhere to an escaping enemy, then follows the target to their hideout for later attack. Spider-Man sometimes also uses a launching device in his web-shooters for better range and accuracy.

A tracer's outer casing is shaped like a spider, with legs for aerodynamic flight. The tracers are small enough to remain unnoticed, in general, but sometimes a target finds a tracer and destroys it.

In early stories, Spider-Man uses a small electronic receiver to follow the signals of his tracers, but eventually he modifies the tracers to emit a signal he can follow with his spider-sense so that he will be able to know whether or not he is in the proximity of the tracer. According to what he once said to Hank Pym (who noted that Peter may actually be smarter than him if he was able to design this at fifteen when Pym spent years developing similar technology for his helmet),[65] he is able to sense the tracer within a 100-yard radius. The receiver, however, offers better range. Spider-Man is unable to sense a tracer that had been taken out of Manhattan at one point.[66] The receiver, however, allows him to follow it to the town of Scarsdale, New York, some 20 miles (32 km) away. It is not yet established if the changes to his spider-sense documented in "The Other" storyline have affected Spider-Man's ability to sense the tracers.

Besides Spider-Man, Daredevil can pick up the signal with his Radar Sense from the Spider-Tracers due to his heightened sense of hearing being able to hear the signal. Unlike Spider-Man, it is more difficult for Daredevil to follow the signal, as he must drown out all other sounds around him to maintain focus.[67]

In several stories, enemies use the tracers to lure him into a trap. Enemies with sufficient technical knowledge can reprogram the tracers into overloading his spider-sense, making it hard for him to tell the difference between real danger and the tracer.[68] Or they just attune it to his sixth sense and they can simply put to a target of their own, just like Tracer did in "The Other".

His clone, Ben Reilly, can also pick up the signal from Peter's tracers. Ben also developed a modified version of the original tracer into a simpler 'Micro-Dot' form. Like Peter's, these devices can be fired from Ben's web-shooters and can adhere to most surfaces. They fly like miniature Frisbees. May Parker's spider sense operates on a different frequency than her father's, requiring her to use the tracer device, as Peter's tracers do not trigger her spider sense.

Following her rescue from an obsessed kidnapper, Mary Jane Watson wears an amplified version of a spider-tracer in a necklace pendant. It carries a boosted signal so Spider-Man can follow it over a longer distance.

After the events of "Revenge Of The Spider-Slayer", the Spider-Tracers become useless since Spider-Man can no longer pick up their signal due to the loss of his Spider Sense.[69] However, in the "Road to Spider Island", from working with Horizon Labs, Spider-Man made new and improved Spider-Tracers with listening devices, GPS and camouflauge.[70] Some further modifications include using them as weapons with one example of combating Hydro-Man by freezing him solid with a cryogenic Spider-Tracer.[71] This particular advancement is then applied toward a medical transplant delivery system.

Utility belt and spider-signal

Spider-Man keeps his regular field equipment in a utility belt that can carry extra web fluid cartridges, spider-tracers, and his camera. The belt can hold up to 30 cartridges, each one being pressured to 300 psi. The belt's buckle contains a small but powerful light, which is filtered through a lens decorated with a stylized likeness of Spider-Man's mask. This spider-signal is mostly limited to intimidating weak-nerved criminals and acting as a wide-beam flashlight. It is sometimes used to call for help, as well. The signal is later used in The Spectacular Spider-Man. At his job at Horizon Labs, Peter has upgraded his utility belt to hold cartridges of different types of webbing and his Spider-Signal has a UV light setting for forensic analysis.


Peter Parker gains employment as a freelance (and sometimes staff) photographer through most of his teen and young adult years. He sells pictures of himself in action as Spider-Man, takes any assignments offered, or, sometimes, uses his powers to help him photograph special events where normal press access is limited or denied, for the New York newspaper The Daily Bugle.

His first camera, originally his father's, has an extended rear metal plate that allows him to use his web to secure it to a wall or other fixed object without interfering with its functions. Typically, Spider-Man positions the camera before intervening in a crime or emergency. Spider-Man gradually improves on the camera's simple timer, including adding a motion sensor that triggered the camera whenever he, as Spider-Man, moved in front of it. He has updated and replaced the camera (they are occasionally destroyed during battles) as necessary over the years.

Partly due to the stinginess of Bugle editor/publisher J. Jonah Jameson, Parker never earns much money as a freelancer. The Bugle, legal owner of his submitted work, eventually publishes a book of his photographic images (Webs) which helps improve his finances. He wins a Pulitzer Prize for his picture of the Sentry, but the Sentry's earlier adventures and their consequences are later wiped from human memory, probably including this award. Parker does, however, win other photography awards over the years.

Peter Parker publicly reveals his secret identity during the Civil War crossover. The Bugle staff (particularly Jameson), are shocked to learn that Parker had been selling them photographs of himself for years and is taking legal action for the fraud, although due to the actions of the Scarlet Spiders, Peter Parker's identity as Spider-Man was heavily questioned. In addition, the events of One More Day has retconned anyone knowing Peter Parker's identity as Spider-Man, thus restoring the status quo of the early Spider-Man comics.

Peter Parker currently no longer uses his camera due to being discredited as a photographer during the events of "The Gauntlet" storyline.


Corona Motors approaches Spider-Man through the advertising agency Carter & Lombardo, offering him use of a new nonpolluting motor they had invented and wished to promote, to be installed in a "Spider-Mobile" of his design.[72] Initially reluctant but tempted by the promised endorsement fees, Spider-Man enlists the aid of Johnny Storm, aka the Human Torch, in creating the vehicle; a heavily customized dune buggy with web-launchers and a spider-signal. It debuted in The Amazing Spider-Man #130. It proves useful for a time but is quickly wrecked (Spider-Man having not yet learned to drive). The Tinkerer (with support from the Kingpin), salvages and modifies it further to allow it to drive itself and drive up walls, and he uses it against Spider-Man, who barely manages to disable it. Spider-Man returns the heavily damaged vehicle to Carter & Lombardo, suspending it with webbing outside the window of their 14th-story offices.[73] Spider-Man, who had never been enthused by the project, looks back on the entire affair with some regret, repeatedly calling the Spider-Mobile "hokey".

Most recently, the Spider-Mobile made a brief cameo appearance,[74] and an appearance in the flashback series Spider-Man and Human Torch.

It is revealed that the Spider-Mobile had been donated to the Smithsonian Museum.[75] However, it is also seen later in the 18th precinct's "superhuman evidence locker,"[76] which might suggest that the exhibit featuring the vehicle was discontinued.

According to the flash forward featured in the 'Old Man Logan' storyline starting in Wolverine #66, in a certain future a blind Hawkeye currently owns the Spider-Mobile and has customized it with the aid of one of his ex-wives. Hawkeye uses it to transport himself and Logan across the country to make a delivery.[77]


Original red and blue costume

Although the details change somewhat over the years, Spider-Man's costume, with a few notable exceptions, remains fairly consistent. The standard is a form-fitting spandex bodysuit, which from the waist down is blue, except for mid-calf boots with a black web pattern on a red background. From the waist up, the fabric is a red-and-black web pattern, except for his back, sides, and insides of his upper arms, which are blue. There is a large red spider outline on his back, and a smaller black spider emblem on his chest. The back spider has changed over the years, featuring a spider with slightly smaller feet in the past. The mask has white one-way mirror type lenses rimmed with black (the white portions of the mask's eyes sometimes "squint" when Peter has his eyes partly shut. Whether this is his mask actually changing in response to his eyelids moving, or artistic license, is not clear). In addition to covering his entire head, thereby leaving no distinguishing features, the mask also muffles his voice, making it unrecognizable. The boots are composed of a thin material that allows Spider-Man's adhering ability to work through the soles of his feet. The boots, mask, and gloves can be folded up and stored inside a pocket while the remainder of his costume can be worn under his civilian clothes. Modernly, Spider-Man has taken to making and wearing a bulletproof version of this costume.

This standard costume varies in the details depending on the artist: he is sometimes depicted with "underarm webbing" connecting his arms to his torso; the eyes of his mask vary from barely larger than human eyes to extremely large; the blue portions of his costume vary from light blue to black (the usual standard is dark blue); and the density of the web design varies.

Black costume

One of the most significant alterations to Spider-Man's costume takes place during the Secret Wars crossover event, in which Spider-Man begins to wear a black costume. After ruining his red and blue one in battle on Battleworld, the Hulk tells Spider-Man about a machine operated simply by thinking of what kind of suit, weapon or equipment someone needs. When Spider-Man thought of a new costume, the machine gave him a black sphere. When he touched it, Spider-Man found himself covered in a new black costume. Later on in Secret Wars #12, Spider-Man sees that other heroes are getting costumes from a different machine, not the one that he used. The costume first appears in Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 1) #252 (May 1984), several months before its origin is revealed in Secret Wars #8. This costume has a large white spider emblem on the chest and back and white organic web-shooters on the backs of the hands. Upon discovering that the costume is actually an alien symbiote, Spider-Man rejects the creature by using high frequency sonics, and he wears a non-living version of the costume for a while. Unbeknownst to Spider-man, the alien was able to copy his abilities; the alien learned the chemical composition of Spider-Man's webbing, the frequency at which his spider-sense operates (which allowed Venom to dampen Spider-Man's sixth sense), and could also copy his ability to stick to walls. Because of this, Venom's powers are similar to Spider-Man's. Also, having copied all of Spider-Man's movements, the alien started sneaking back on to Peter's body after Peter had removed it and fallen asleep. It would then carry the unconscious body of Spider-Man through a typical session of fighting street crime (albeit without speaking a word). Thus, for as long as he had the symbiote costume, Peter found himself inexplicably tired every morning, for though his mind slept, his body was getting no rest at night.

Peter then creates a non-living costume similar to the symbiote, but he stops wearing this costume, when Mary Jane is viciously attacked by Venom (the symbiote's new incarnation), choosing to toss it into a fire and go back to his red and blue suit. However, when forced to confront Morbius in the sewers, Peter has the costume remade for the benefit of stealth.

An interview released by Marvel editor-in-chief Joe Quesada (via newsarama) and Spider-Man editor Axel Alonso (CBR.com) stated that Spider-Man would be going back to his classic "Black" costume immediately after Civil War ends (Amazing Spider-Man #539 - February 2007). Marvel's February solicits confirm this, featuring Spider-Man returning to his black costume across all of his titles.[78][79] In Sensational Spider-Man (vol. 2) #35, the Black Costume is first shown with underarm webbing like the original costume.

A variation on the black costume is featured in the film Spider-Man 3. It includes the webbing pattern from Spider-Man's red and blue costume with a black coloring and a slightly altered spider symbol, both on his chest and back. The same costume is also worn by Venom, with the added details of Venom's signature teeth and a more muscular appearance.

In The Spectacular Spider-Man animated series, the black costume is initially identical to the red and blue webbed costume only entirely in black with silver webs, as in Spider-Man 3, but gradually grows to resemble the one featured in the comics over the course of several episodes as Peter becomes more affected by its influence. Here it creates its own webbing by use of its own semi-liquid composition, as well as being able to shrink to almost nothing due to said liquid properties.

The game Marvel: Ultimate Alliance features Spider-Man's black costume, or "Symbiote", as the second unlockable costume.

The black costume stemmed from an idea submitted by a then 22-year-old fan named Randy Schueller, after Marvel in 1982 had asked its readers for ideas for new Spider-man stories. Schueller's idea was purchased by Jim Shooter for the sum of $220. Randy Schueller spelled out his involvement with the black costume and Marvel in an article at Comic Book Resources. [2]


Exclusive to the film and the video game, the wrestling costume is first worn by Peter Parker for the wrestling match against Bone Saw McGraw, rather than simply wearing a bag over his head, as in the comic book. Although in the first movie Peter is shown designing his standard costume in a notebook, the outfit he wears to the wrestling match is much cruder and apparently hastily assembled, consisting of simply a long-sleeved red t-shirt with a home-dyed spider and web design in black across the chest, red ski-mask, blue sweat-pants, and socks.

The wrestling costume can be seen worn by Peter in Spider-Man 3 in his flashbacks.

Extemporaneous substitutes

When Spider-Man first rids himself of the symbiote, he finds himself without clothing across town from his home. The Human Torch gives him an old Fantastic Four uniform (without boots), a paper bag to conceal his identity... and a "kick me" sign on his back.[80] Years later he again uses a paper bag as an impromptu disguise prior to his new costumes being completed to conceal his identity after a bounty was placed on his head, calling himself the "Bombastic Bag Man", because the White Rabbit was attacking the city after capturing the Grizzly and the Gibbon and none of his other costumes were completed or available yet.[81] The Bag Man costume returns once again in New Warriors (vol. 4) when one child is dressed in the suit with other children in other super hero costumes.[82]

If he has no costume and Spider-Man is needed, he will use webbing, street clothes, or whatever else is available to hide his identity. This costume also appeared as one of the Variant covers of "Spider-Man: The Other".

In Spider-Girl, when fighting the super skrull Apex, Peter asked Johnny to loan him a costume, on the condition that it did not include a paper bag and a kick-me sign. Johnny replied that he is offended that Peter thinks he would repeat the same gag, instead lending him an old, ill-fitting Fantastic Four jumpsuit and one of Ben Grimm's metal helmets.

In the 2010 video game Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions the "The Bombastic Bag Man" is a costume that can be used.

Captain Universe and Daredevil

The Uni-Power is an extra-dimensional force that possesses an individual in a time of crisis, transforming that person into Captain Universe. Spider-Man became Captain Universe for a short while beginning in The Spectacular Spider-Man #158, during the "Acts of Vengeance" storyline. The Uni-Power grants him cosmic-level abilities and awareness and as a result, all of his natural spider-powers are greatly enhanced. For example, Spider-Man's strength was amplified to the point of being able to punch the Hulk into orbit. The efficiency of his spider-sense is also enhanced to such a degree that the tingling becomes painful and responds to nearly everything, no matter how minor. He also gains telescopic vision, molecular manipulation capabilities, a high degree of resistance to physical injury, flight, and the power to manipulate great amounts of energy for a variety of purposes. With the Uni-Power at his command, Spider-Man is able to defeat the likes of Magneto and Graviton. Spider-Man, however, does not become aware of the actual 'possession' until much later on because of the powers being partially suppressed by a machine devised by one of Parker's teachers at Empire State University. In the aftermath of the Acts of Vengeance, the suppression is removed in time to battle and defeat the Tri-Sentinel. Both Spider-Man's costume and the traditional Captain Universe attire are merged into a single uniform after Spider-Man gained awareness. Once the Tri-Sentinel is destroyed, Spider-Man loses the Captain Universe powers.

On one occasion, Spider-Man masquerades in Daredevil's costume in order to convince people that Daredevil and Matt Murdock are two different people.[83] Recently, Spider-Man has once again disguised himself as Daredevil when his costume winds up getting stolen by the daughter of Kraven.

Negative Zone and Alex Ross

In the Peter Parker: Spider-Man series, Spider-Man once travelled to the Negative Zone to rescue three children. His suit transformed into a white and black suit that apparently did nothing other than change his appearance. There is also another version of the Negative Zone with blue and red colors. None of the costumes feature webs on the suit. Also, Alex Ross created a specially designed suit with a different makeover for the live action movie (which was still in development at the time). For example, the costume design was more angular than the classic design, the spider insignias on his chest and back were more stylized (and identical to each other), the red boots were missing, and the areas that were typically blue in the classic design—and even the eyepieces—were black. This suit was used in the Spider-Man 2 video game for PlayStation, and in the Spider-Man the movie game for PS2 and on PSone it was available in two versions: the colored red-and-black version, and a sketch version in black-and-white. In Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions, the Negative Zone costume worn by Spider-Man Noir as an alternate costume.

Ben Reilly's costumes

Benjamin "Ben" Reilly (also known as the Scarlet Spider, the second Spider-Man and Spider-Carnage) is a fictional character in the Marvel Comics Universe. He is a clone of Peter Parker (Spider-Man), and is prominent in the Clone Saga. He first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man#149 (October 1975).

Ben Reilly was the first successful clone of Peter Parker created by the Jackal, as the first clone, Kaine, had suffered from clone degeneration which made him become unstable. Through arcane science, Ben is imprinted with Peter's memories and in their first encounter believed himself to be the original. After Peter Parker was captured by the Jackal, both Parker and Reilly found themselves in Spider-Man costumes at Shea Stadium, and initially fought each other believing the other was the imposter. When realizing the stakes, they decided to team up in an attempt to save the Gwen Stacy clone and a captured Ned Leeds. In the process, the clone appeared to be killed in the explosion, and Parker, fearful of the consequences of a second body of "Peter Parker" turning up while he was still alive, dropped Reilly's body in a smokestack. Ben apparently survived and escaped from the smokestack. When he witnessed Parker and Mary Jane Watson in an embrace, decided to part on a nomadic life as if no one knew his existence. He dubbed himself the alias "Ben Reilly", using his Uncle Ben's first name and his Aunt May's maiden name, Ben Parker and May Reilly respectively. He took some old clothes Parker had intended to donate to charity, and he left New York deeply depressed.

Five years later, Reilly discovers that May Parker is dying from a stroke, so he returns to New York. There, Reilly encounters Peter Parker, who has become bitter and angry following several tragedies. While they initially come to blows, they quickly begin working together. Soon after, Reilly dons a makeshift costume, and is dubbed the "Scarlet Spider" by the press. When Peter retired as Spider-Man, Ben donned a new version of the Spider-Man costume as he felt that the original version needed an update, coupled with the fact that he did not feel as though he was ready to shoulder the burdens of the original costume yet.

Protective wear

On a few occasions, Spider-Man has altered his costume for specific purposes. He uses a very short-lived, silver-colored armored suit in Web of Spider-Man #100, developed at Empire State University Labs by the web-slinger. The armor severely impairs his natural agility, though it renders him highly resistant to high caliber bullets. However, the armor is soon destroyed by acid.

In The Amazing Spider-Man #425, he creates an electrically insulated costume to fight Electro. He also previously fashioned another insulated costume from a rubber air mattress to protect himself from Electro in The Spectacular Spider-Man #66, but that was a more of an ad-hoc creation, which he crudely manufactured in an hour. It featured the classic red and blue colors, but not the web pattern or the spider emblem.

Identity Crisis

In 1998, Parker created four distinct costumes during the "Identity Crisis" storyline, for the identities Dusk, Ricochet, Hornet, and Prodigy. Four other people later used these costumes and identities in the Slingers comic book series. The second Hornet and Dusk were killed, Prodigy was forcefully inducted into the Initiative, and Ricochet retired/Joined the Loners.

Final costume

In Amazing Spider-Man #500, Peter has a mystical experience where he simultaneously experiences the beginning and the potential end of his career as Spider-Man. This costume he wears in his final battle is utilitarian, consisting solely of a reversible jacket, mask and gloves. In Amazing Spider-Man #502, Peter receives the design for this exact costume from Leo Zelinsky, The Super-Hero Tailor. This was in response to his criticism that the hero's usual tight costume is unsanitary for his skin, threatening to cause athlete's foot all over his body.

The costume reappeared as part of a possible dark future if Spider-Man were to kill Kraven the Hunter during the end of the Grim Hunt storyline.[84]

Stark Armor (Iron Spider)

After Spider-Man's newer powers developed in "The Other", Tony Stark (Iron Man) developed a new suit for Peter, which he began wearing in The Amazing Spider-Man #529. Nicknamed the "Iron Spider" costume, it is red and gold: according to Marvel Editor-In-Chief Joe Quesada, "Stark's design, Stark's color!" The suit was designed by Quesada, based on a sketch by Chris Bachalo.[85] The suit's appearance has had a mixed reception from fans.[86]

Supported by a system similar to that of Stark's classic Iron Man design, it features many gadgets, including three mechanical spider-arms, or "waldoes," that can be used to see around corners (via cameras in the tips) and to manipulate objects indirectly. Stark describes them as too delicate to use in combat, yet Spider-Man shortly afterward uses them to smash through the sensors in Titanium Man's helmet. Later on during the Civil War storyline, he uses them, (reluctantly), during his fight with Captain America.

Other features include short-distance gliding capability, limited bulletproofing, built-in fire/police/emergency scanner, audio/visual amplification (including infrared and ultraviolet), cloaking device, carbon filters to keep out airborne toxins, and a short-range GPS microwave communication system. It grants the ability to breathe under water, and can morph into different shapes due to its "'smart' liquid metal" form. It can also "more or less disappear" when not needed due to reactions to neurological impulses as Tony Stark revealed. The new costume is able to look like other styles of costumes Spider-Man has worn over the years or turn into his street clothes. Part of the costume can detach itself from Spider-Man to cover an object too dangerous to touch, such as a radioactive asteroid. All these features are controlled by a computer system in the chest piece. The suit responds to mental control.[87]

The armor also has a secret override that can be activated by Iron Man in case of emergencies or if Spider-Man ever switches sides (which he does in Civil War #5). However, unknown to Stark, Peter was already aware of the safety measure and had bypassed it with his own override, Password Surprise. Perhaps most sinister, Stark discovered a way to give his own Iron Man armor a "spider-sense" based on Peter's, and the ability to give Spider-Man's sense red herrings.

Peter wore this suit as Spider-Man's official costume until writer J. Michael Straczynski chose to revert to the older costume. It was used symbolically to show Peter's divided loyalties during the Civil War event at Marvel Comics, promotional images showing him with the Iron Spider costume alongside the pro-registration heroes and in his classic costume on the anti-registration side.

In Civil War #6, Spider-Man is in his classic costume, but he apparently put this costume away since he returned to his black outfit in early 2007, as seen in Civil War #7. Whether or not Spider-Man still has this costume remains to be seen.

The Stark armor costume has been duplicated and was used by three clones created out of the deceased MVP's genetic material in the Initiative who identify themselves as "Red Team". War Machine labels them Scarlet Spiders. It is unknown what new powers the team possesses, but they have been shown to be using some of the built-in powers such as the cloaking device, communications, and waldoes which the original costume possessed (Avengers: The Initiative #3). One change, is that there are now four waldoes, as opposed to three. These suits have the original's morphing ability,[88] as well as web-shooters, and wall-crawling capability.[89]

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance features the "Iron Spidey" costume as Spider-Man's final costume, however, it does not feature the Waldoes. The Wii version of Spider-Man: Web of Shadows also features the Iron Spider outfit as an unlockable costume. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 also features this costume as Peter's only Alternate Costume, but this time it includes the Waldoes and the gold parts are now white. This costume can only be unlocked by choosing Pro-Registration. Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions also features the Iron Spider armor as an alternate suit for Spider-Man 2099.[90]

Big Time

Stealth suit

After a disastrous battle with the new Hobgoblin (Phil Urich) in Amazing Spider-Man #649 and #650, Peter develops a black costume with blue lights using new technology he created from his job at Horizon Labs, which he begins wearing in Amazing Spider-Man #650 as part of the Big Time story arc.

It is created with a "omni-harmonic mesh" based on one of Henry Pym's theories, with wave-bending technology to both light and sound with Peter adapting concepts he developed during his work with Tony Stark.

It features several modes, the first which turns the lights on his costume neon-green and gives him the ability to be invisible to both visual and audio means except from certain lens and frequencies so allies can see and communicate with him. The green lights on the costume is for the benefit of whoever needs to see him (while wearing the lens), along with himself, as otherwise he is invisible to his own eyes.

The second mode, which turns the lights on his costume red, can cancel out all sonic-based attacks on his person. A side-effect of this is that it disrupts any attempt to communicate with Peter using sound, and vice versa. Using this principle, Peter developed new, lightweight noise-reduction headphones at Horizon Labs.

The costume contains a new type of weapon based similar in shape to his Spider-Tracers, but created from Anti-Metal (also known as Antarctic Vibranium), which can be fired from the top of his wrist at metal objects, causing them to dissolve. Peter can apparently carry a large number of these new Anti-Metal spiders on his person without them causing harm to his own suit or webshooters.

The suit appears as one of Spider-Man's alternate costumes in the game Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds created by Capcom.

Having been loaned to Kaine for the fight against the Queen, the suit proved instrumental, as it allowed Kaine immunity against the Queen's sonic-based attacks. The stealth suit is currently in Kaine's possession due to Madame Web advising him to hold onto it.

New Spider-Armor

Having lost his spider-sense in Amazing Spider-Man #654, Peter is shot while in the process of dodging automatic gunfire from the villain Massacre. Realising his new vulnerability, Peter pulls out a new black suit with the spider emblem in yellow, which he had been keeping in storage at Horizon Labs.

The suit is designed to be bulletproof up to an unknown degree, but not impeding Spider-Man's agility. It has been observed to prevent assault rifle and multiple sniper rifle-fire from penetrating the armor. It comes equipped with magnetic webbing which can block all radio frequencies, such as remote control explosives.[91]

Apparently the suit is made of a lightweight, impact-resistant polymer in which he applies to a motorcycle crash helmet at Horizon Labs. The new helmet is cheap, easy to mass-produce, and has ten times the strength of a normal helmet.

Future Foundation

Upon joining the Future Foundation as part of Johnny Storm's last request in his will, Spider-Man is given a new white costume made from third-generation unstable molecules which has several default color schemes which can be changed by mental control. This suits never gets dirty and allows him to change this costume to his classic red and blue or in civilian clothes, although in other Marvel titles (such as "The Avengers" or "The New Avengers") he uses always the white and black scheme. Because of this, now Peter uses this costume regularly, being the first change of regular suit since the Black Costume.


  1. ^ a b c Spider-Man Tech
  2. ^ Process used to create glowing mice
  3. ^ Web of Spider-Man #38
  4. ^ Blade (vol. 3) #1
  5. ^ The Amazing Spider-Man #87
  6. ^ Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1
  7. ^ a b The Amazing Spider-Man #528
  8. ^ The Amazing Spider-Man #90
  9. ^ Spider-Man (Peter Parker) - Marvel Universe: The definitive online source for Marvel super hero bios
  10. ^ The Amazing Spider-Man #598
  11. ^ a b c d The Amazing Spider-Man #637
  12. ^ The Science of Superheroes: Spider-Man
  13. ^ Spider-Man #72, 1996
  14. ^ Spider-Man vs. Wolverine, 1987
  15. ^ Spider-Man Unlimited #6, 2005
  16. ^ [[The Amazing Spider-Man Annual#1
  17. ^ The Amazing Spider-Man #267
  18. ^ Peter Parker: Spider-Man #28
  19. ^ Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #4
  20. ^ Amazing Spider-Man #637
  21. ^ The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1
  22. ^ The Spectacular Spider-Man (vol. 1) #26-28
  23. ^ a b The Amazing Spider-Man #654
  24. ^ a b c The Amazing Spider-Man #671
  25. ^ The Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 1) #39
  26. ^ Amazing Spider-Man #250
  27. ^ Amazing Spider-Man #300
  28. ^ Amazing Spider-Man #365
  29. ^ Venom Vs. Carnage #3
  30. ^ a b The Amazing Spider-Man #673
  31. ^ Civil War #7
  32. ^ New Avengers #31
  33. ^ Amazing Spider-Man #600
  34. ^ The Amazing Spider-Man #100-103
  35. ^ Marvel Fanfare (vol. 1) #1-2
  36. ^ The Spectacular Spider-Man]] (vol. 2) #15-20, 2004
  37. ^ MyCup o' Joe Week 4 - Marvel.com News
  38. ^ letter page of Amazing Spider-Man #640
  39. ^ Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #4
  40. ^ The Spectacular Spider-Man (vol. 2) #20
  41. ^ The Amazing Spider-Man #672
  42. ^ Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #3
  43. ^ Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #6
  44. ^ The Amazing Spider-Man #527
  45. ^ The Amazing Spider-Man #590
  46. ^ Amazing Spider-Man #569
  47. ^ Amazing Spider-Man #571
  48. ^ The Amazing Spider-Man #591
  49. ^ The Amazing Spider-Man #600
  50. ^ Web of Spider-Man #12
  51. ^ Amazing Spider-Man #609
  52. ^ Amazing Spider-Man #668
  53. ^ The Amazing Spider-Man #640
  54. ^ The Amazing Spider-Man #641
  55. ^ The Amazing Spider-Man #668
  56. ^ Amazing Fantasy #15
  57. ^ Amazing Spider-Man #2
  58. ^ Peter Parker: Spider-Man (vol. 2) #18
  59. ^ Amazing Spider-Man #547
  60. ^ I Love Marvel: Web of Romance
  61. ^ Sensational Spider-Man #8, 1996
  62. ^ New Avengers #18
  63. ^ Amazing Spider-Man #307, 1988
  64. ^ Spectacular Spider-Man (vol. 2) #15-20
  65. ^ Marvel Knights: Spider-Man #15
  66. ^ The Amazing Spider-Man #267, Aug. 1985
  67. ^ Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 1 #27
  68. ^ Marvel Team-Up #2
  69. ^ Amazing Spider-Man 656
  70. ^ Amazing Spider-Man 665
  71. ^ Amazing Spider-Man 666
  72. ^ Amazing Spider-Man #126, November 1973
  73. ^ The Amazing Spider-Man #160, June 1976
  74. ^ Marvel Knights Spider-Man #5
  75. ^ "Amazing Spider-Man" #600 (July 22, 2009)
  76. ^ "Amazing Spider-Man" #668 (August 31, 2011)
  77. ^ "Wolverine" #66-72 (2008-2009)
  78. ^ Newsarama.com, "Joe Monday, A Special Q&A with Joe Quesada, Part 2"
  79. ^ Comicbookresources.com, "Spider-Man's Back in Black in February" by Jonah Weiland, interview with Axel Alonzo
  80. ^ The Amazing Spider-Man vol. 1 #258
  81. ^ Spectacular Spider Man #256
  82. ^ New Warriors (vol. 4) #8
  83. ^ Daredevil vol. 2 #24-25
  84. ^ Amazing Spider-Man #637
  85. ^ Marvel.com announcement of Spider-Man's "Iron Spider" costume
  86. ^ IGN.com article: "Readers React: Iron Spider-Man"
  87. ^ The Amazing Spider-Man #530
  88. ^ Avengers: The Initiative #7
  89. ^ Avengers: The Initiative Annual #1
  90. ^ http://marvelultimatealliance.marvel.com/en/news_comments/fourteenth_of_24_alternate_costumes_spider_man/
  91. ^ Amazing Spider-Man #656

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